Let me explain you this further.
Long - Short
Black - White
Sad - Happy
When you think more, you will also observe that these pairs are interconnected in a way that these are dependent upon each other.
Lets say we say it is "long". Whenever we say that, we think of the "shortness" internally and we determine it's "longer" relative to the "shortness" picture we have.
Quite opposite happens when we say it is "short".
This implies that when we say one thing (long), it doesn't actually exist. It's just a relative projection of our mind. So the truth is this illusion. None other than that.
So the world we perceive is just a set of these ends ("antha"). Long /Short, Black / White , Happy / Sad etc..
Let's take it in another way.
We feel sad sometimes and it bothers us a lot. When you feel sad, internally we memorize a "happy" situation and relative to that we try to compare the current situation. And now are "sad". But where does that sadness "Antha" come from. It is from the happiness "Antha".
As I said those ends are just ends which do not exist. Hence a "paradox". So the wise person who sees these ends tries to be in the middle
Let me elaborate this
When you see the sadness, you should try to see the happiness at the same time and try to be in the "middle". Trivially, this will relieve you. Then you see the middle and if you try to attach to the "middle" you see that it is also relative to those two ends. Ultimately you have to detach from that attachment to the "middle"
Hence there is no argument that this is "THE LIBERATION" one should achieve. This is the "Nibbana". The ultimate goal in Buddhism.
This is not a physical process. Hence
- You needn't give up materials which you consume
- You needn't meditate for hours. But you have to be conscious of your thoughts
- You can be active as you were before
- You can be more organized as you have no time to sorrow / compare and think further on those nonsense
The man who perceives this simple but delicate truth for a jiffy will always tries to be independent and will not see liberation through another being or power. He will be self contained. This is the feeling first step in the path to Nibbana. He has become "Sowan"
佛教之地,都是要善伩修守戒律, 但令人痛心的是 Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Association No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya 52100 Kepong Selangor, Malaysia.三宝寺却不以身作則。他们允许缅甸外劳庆祝佳日,隨心所意,在当地杀鱼.鸡. 猪.羊及飲洒作乐,醉身萝死耒污垢佛教神聖之地.至今 已引起居民的反感.
針对以上的题,身为佛教伩徒,也是前任理事会成员,我 依佛礼的教海,据理力争。但孤学难呜,却被一手遮天,以商叶利益为重的马华公会,鹅嘜区会主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook), 把我排除在外,其用意, 一目了然,想完全控(Yip Kum Fook)制甲洞帝沙再也,三宝寺耒达到私利賺钱.现在, 他应用外耒和尚主持三宝寺,其目的,也更清楚,因为外耒者不知内幕,不能久留,无杈过向.
回顾10年前之事,由本地吉兰丹和尚仼壇主兼顾问之時, 此种现象,是不曾发生的,为何到了叶金福(Yip Kum Fook)的領导乏下,却帶耒如此違反佛教的文化?难怪,前仼壇主 也一声不言就远离了,必有其苦衷。
为了佛教的遵严,我不忍看它沦落为醉身耒萝死之地, 让人耻笑,在此, 我只好通过现代的管道,泣声敬请,佛 教伩仰者及马耒西亜佛总能加以关注, 并给予该理事会劝导,尽速觧决此事,以免这种污点影响整体的佛教良好形象。
Please see this YIP KUM FOOK cheated amounting to RM20,000.00, it belongs to VEN. U NANDIYA. Fundraising donation by Myanmar Devotees to buy large Buddhist marble for SAMNAK SAMBODHI in 2000 that Buddha Marble from Myanmar
Information and signature in blogspot.com by YIP KUM FOOK and please be aware of the issue as all contributions to Buddhist teachings:
SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) is president, Secretary (YAP LEONG LAN) and Treasurer (NG GOOT MEE)
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