Thursday, March 18, 2010

Five Rules of Nature in Buddhism

Buddhism is a philosophy which shows the world as a living being and nature creation. There is no one above the human to control himself apart from some forces of nature. The intension of this post to show that, as a human being you should see the world as it is. That is , the world is not a creation of a supernatural power, but merely the cause and effect and the nature makes the continuity of living being and the world/universe. In the previous post, I explained in general how the cause and effect principle ( kamma and vipaka ) affects person. But thats only a one way out of the five rules of nature.

These five rules are called Niyama in Pali.

1. Utu Niyama (physical inooganic order)
Effects from seasonal changes like in spring some flowers blossom, but in winter leaves fall. People get displaced by winds and rain, earthquakes. This is happening not because we have done bad karma, or some supernatural god is against us. But its the phenomena of nature which can be hardly controlled.

2. Bija Niyama (Physical Organic Order)
This is bind with living beings organic characteristcs. Eg:- When we plant a rice seed, we get rice as harvest, not apple. Thats the pattern of reproduction. Some fruit maybe tasty, but some is bitter. Some flowers smell and some do not. We live within the womb for roughly 10 month after conception, but elephants have a different time period.

3. Kamma Niyama (Order of Action and Reaction)
This is what I explained in the previous post. This is what you are fully responsible. Simply taking I abbreviate this as WYDIWYG ( "What you do is what you get" ). Quite cool huh.

4. Dhamma Niyama (Order of Norm )
This is the nature of the world in general. Eg:- gravitation, why the earth rotates. why your skin gets wrinkled with aging. Simply taking thats how the world as it is.

5. Chitta Niyama ( Order of Mind )
Thousands of ideas are coming to our mind within a second. We forget somethings, we remember important things. Your brain will prefer to keep some events forever. This will explain some abilities which some people posses like telepathy, premonition, thought reading.

One thing we should remember here. Kamma Niyama is the Niyama, which we should be aiming to control as its our responsibility. Other forces of nature, we should be able to control into some extent. I will explain Kamma Niyama in more detail later. But its pointless to prey for "external help" to change any of those natural phenomena.


sewa mobil di surabaya said...
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Hugo said...

I wasn't aware of the study of nature. I thought you would talk about the rule of not killing other beings. this was interesting.

Anonymous said...

Good place to talk about Buddhist issues for Sri lankans.

Buddha Purnima SMS said...

Let us pray for harmony & peace

For all the humankind

On this auspicious day

Happy Buddha Jayanti!

jrman27 said...

What is Buddha Jayant, friend?

Massage agency said...

Nice contribution for the buddhism community.

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

佛教之地,都是要善伩修守戒律, 但令人痛心的是 Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Association No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya 52100 Kepong Selangor, Malaysia.三宝寺却不以身作則。他们允许缅甸外劳庆祝佳日,隨心所意,在当地杀鱼.鸡. 猪.羊及飲洒作乐,醉身萝死耒污垢佛教神聖之地.至今 已引起居民的反感.

針对以上的题,身为佛教伩徒,也是前任理事会成员,我 依佛礼的教海,据理力争。但孤学难呜,却被一手遮天,以商叶利益为重的马华公会,鹅嘜区会主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook), 把我排除在外,其用意, 一目了然,想完全控(Yip Kum Fook)制甲洞帝沙再也,三宝寺耒达到私利賺钱.现在, 他应用外耒和尚主持三宝寺,其目的,也更清楚,因为外耒者不知内幕,不能久留,无杈过向.

回顾10年前之事,由本地吉兰丹和尚仼壇主兼顾问之時, 此种现象,是不曾发生的,为何到了叶金福(Yip Kum Fook)的領导乏下,却帶耒如此違反佛教的文化?难怪,前仼壇主 也一声不言就远离了,必有其苦衷。

为了佛教的遵严,我不忍看它沦落为醉身耒萝死之地, 让人耻笑,在此, 我只好通过现代的管道,泣声敬请,佛 教伩仰者及马耒西亜佛总能加以关注, 并给予该理事会劝导,尽速觧决此事,以免这种污点影响整体的佛教良好形象。