Can anyone of you think the relationship between Beef and Buddha/Buddhism?. No. This is merely to insult buddhism. This just says nothing. I must say thats a cruel thinking of a religious extremist.
Why people tend to use these types of low quality materials to insult buddhism?
- They don't have grounds to argue and prove buddhism is falsy religionwise.
- They are fear of the future of their religions

Einstein did also follow some theories in Buddhism. Sit Arthur C. Clarke once predicted, in the future when people tend to think more logically all single and multiple god centered religions will be less popular and conceptual religions like Buddhism will take their place.
I know this will be arguable. I will add more ways of insulting Buddhism in future posts. You would be amazed to see the "conspiracies by extremists"
Can anyone of you think what does Victoria Secret mean by adding a buddha image in bikini. For christian people, do you think its ok to put Jesus' image instead, replacing the Buddha image?
I don't understand. What are you talking about?
The picture of Buddha in the background of the Maggi pack is just a picture. It has nothing to do with beef, true, but it also has nothing to do with terrorism.
And one more thing: Buddha taught non-attachment. Are you practicing what Buddha has taught, or are you grasping at your own attachments as to what Buddhism is and isn't?
Interesting packaging errors.
To be frank, I am amused rather than insulted.
Thanks for sharing.
People in Sri Lanka must reconsider this mentality that the world is out to destory Buddhism. It is something like the mentality of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims that the world is against them, and therefor they need to strike first.
Most of the conspiracy theories from Sri Lanka are so crazy that they are laughable, for instance, that Mahayana Buddhists are in cahoots with the LTTE and President Rajapaksa to destroy Buddhism.
Yes, the Portuguese tried to destroy Buddhism, yes, there were British missionaries denigrating Buddhism. But that does not allow us to see crazy conspiracies at every corner. A Buddha image on a food package is a blunder, an offense against good sense and good taste, but not a global conspiracy to criticize Buddhism. Know how to pick your battles wisely.
i think you need to for get the negitive things in life and think about the positives
Love your blog, added it to my blogroll!
Who cares if somebody insults Buddha? He was just a man. Let go of you attachment to Buddhism....
I think the picture is trying to represent Thailand. "World flavours" - "Beef" - "Thailand" - get it? Duh.
Oh no, wait - It's probably the imperialist buddhism-hating (i.e. all non-sinhalese) people who have got together and paid off the owners of Maggie to degrade our glorius religion. And unethically convert everyone to christianity. Clever eh, these people.
I was being sarcastic just now, bye the way. Buddhism is a philophy that was taught by a man we now call the Buddha. If you put a picture of Newton on the Maggie pack, is that insulting gravity? Try it and tell me - maybe things might stop falling down. Oooooh...
I'm a Buddhist by the way. A proper one.
i am Agree with writer.
People Must respect others religion.
If they don't understand the value of Buddhism or other Religion, it's better not speak or saying something against it.
Buddha polonnaruwa i like you blog
thanks for this articals
équanimity. breathe...meditate on why are you hurt. seize this "insult" as a good opportunity to practice, and love, dont be angry. what is the use of buddhism if it drives you angry? forgive my poor english...
Your blog is grade.pls,look my news blog
Just think of the images as simple reminders that the image itself IS Buddha. The bathing suit is Buddha. Where's the problem? In thinking about purity and impurity, the truth is lost.
I think in the case of the bathing suit, it is communicating something interesting and important. It shows how 'non practitioners' of the Buddha Way see the Buddha and his figure. They see sexuality as one of the utmost pleasures, well even thought the Buddha didn't quite see it that way, it isn't so bad that the consumerists see the Buddha way as entering Nirvana, it's just that their view of nirvana is the Bliss of what's under the bathing suit.
So really, it's a good sign. Just not exactly what the Buddha taught.
Do you read the Newsweek? On the cover of the March issue, it says: Buddha is back. The religion of peace is undergoing a revival - but with an angry dark side! Please, practice Buddhism truthfully. The non-Buddhists are trying to smear the good name of Lord Buddha. We do not want to help them by showing our anger and stupidity, do we?
Common!. As a Buddhist, (and not a Taliban). I cannot feel at all that stuff like that insults Buddhism or the Lord Buddha.
Feeling insulted by that stuff means we still attached to the conceptions of like and dislike, to the idea that there is an immanent thing such as the "image of lord Buddha" that can be insulted, and to the idea of a self that can be insulted.
Don't get angry like fundamentalist do because silly cartoons. Show compassion to people that just show ignorance when they pretend to insult Buddhism.
Moreover, as any school bully knows, it is always more fun to mock of the guy that gets angry!!. So do not get mad is just more fun for the bullies.
By the way, nice bikini, I would like to buy one for my girlfriend, hehe. Her groin is as sacred as her heart and the other parts of her body, so I don't think its insulting for the Lord Buddha to wear his image in a bikini, not more than having it in a t-shirt or tattooed in your chest.
With metta
El Paco
Good topic and good point of view.
This is really sad that Victoria Secret wore bikini with buddha's pic on it. It hurts.
Every body respect others feelings and faith.
Insulting Buddha will bring bad karma to those....
All this talk on pictures and images. There are far more important issues such as why a devout (rich) buddhist who also runs a charity won't pay me money owed to me after a year of looking me in the eyes and promising he will and because of it I am destitute and will soon be homeless. He certainly has a lot to face when he comes back. I can't believe it of a human being and I was always under the impression Buddhists where nice people.
"Then with blood running from his injured head, with his bowl broken, and with his patchwork robe torn, the venerable Angulimala went to the Blessed One. The Blessed One saw him coming, and he told him: 'Bear it, brahmana, bear it, brahmana!'"
What if ppl uses a buddhist image? What if they uses to insult?
Who are the guilty person? Who put the image? Or who feel insulted?
Let the ppl say whatever they want, instead of worrying about that better practive the Dharma, is more important, as Chekawa said.
would buddha be insulted?
The "anonymous" may not be a guy as someone wrote here!?, it is rather a suffering woman and might have experienced a bad experience with someone who calls himself/herself a Buddhist (I am not assuming, but from the anonymous messages, I infer?)
First things first...... It is rare, let me reiterate.... it is rare to see bad people among Buddhists. I am not saying it is not possible, but rare.
In my life time, I have hardly seen bad Buddhists, because the very tenet of Buddhism and Buddhists is to look upon thyself and others with great respect. We teach and practice in this way, I am sorry this person had to face such a bad person.
I am sorry that you had to undergo some suffering with whomever that person. But, pick yourself up and try to reason it if you are doing the right thing, it is not about insulting Buddha but yourself. Would you wear your Dad on your Bikini?. Would you rather wear your Brother under your bottom part?. The answer certainly will be no?. Why not?. Ask these questions the next time you read my message OK.
Instead, when you want to get rid of the anger, pain and suffering, you must seek Buddha's teachings, there are numerous ways and means he taught us to deal with such agonies sometime we go through in this world.
But, wearing a Buddha bikini depicting Buddha in front of your Veg..a is simply a lunatic behavior, it is not about insult, it is about how terrible your mind is working right now or at the time you agreed to wear this kind of clothes. You know, we develop respect and reverence to someone in our life because of their sear knowledge and power to influence humans life, when we do so, we uphold them. And keep them in higher state of mind (You mentally came down as low as you could and physically insulting yourself too, not Buddha but yourself?). We must be careful also to keep them in a physically upholding position.
Here is an example, when Buddhists sit for dining, before they start eating they provide offering prayers (a one min or few min prayer) in which we offer the food to Buddha, Bodhisattva's, arahat's and monk's by upholding the food plate or bowl above our head, are you aware about this, this is the meaning of upholding value and respect to someone special.
When we kiss respectfully at our kids, relatives, friends, we do not kiss at others bottom parts, we kiss at forehead or on the cheeks or the head?. Why?. Again, it is a respect, may be we are ok with wearing Buddha's on head or on shirt, but wearing a bikini.....I do not really know how to explain it to you than what I said?.
But anyways, I find it is more of your mental status than others, you are insulting yourself.
Same is true to the manufacture of the bikini, the marketing person and those who asked you to wear this and those who photographed this, all of you are suffering people, who insult yourself to this extent.
The next time you write a message, just identify yourself and get some help from Buddhists to how to get rid of your suffering that made you to behave this way. Anonymous in itself is a disguise, a fear and whatever ....!?.
The noodles pack had the Buddha picture to depict the food as Thai ethnic origin. There are many Buddhists in China, Thailand, Korea and Japan who eat beef. Buddha himself ate pork meat. It is also a well known fact that Buddhism and oriental religions are well know fads among Models and people in Fashion industry. We should be happy that the Buddha's teaching and Image is publicised through these covern means.
But the important point is why is such a big fuss made about it. It shows a lack of security among many Buddhists. There is also victim conciouness arising out of demeaning of religions like Buddha Dhamma by well entrenched christian and muslim evangelist proselytizers. Buddhists need to deal with these as the Buddha would have dealt it. As when Buddha mentioned to Angulimala in the Suttas " 'Bear it, brahmana, bear it, brahmana!'". We will always grow with pateince and forebarance.
The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, forgiveness. ~Dalai Lama
You fail.
I really like what El Paco said.
After all, who is it that's feeling insulted? The ego. Non-attachments is a central message in a great way of life, IMHO.
I agree with El Paco & Ariel also. The truth of Buddhism transcends any ability to insult it. As a UU Buddhist, I believe the curiosity and decorative use of the image of the Buddha is a sign of subconscious awakening in the West. I've heard it said, there are no fundamentalist Buddhist ):
great site! Namaste
I agree with what many people have said in the previous comments, that exposure to Buddhist icons in the West does help spread the teachings of Buddha. However, I would also like to see a move from using the Buddha as a mere pop culture icon to an actual religious and meaningful image. Here is a story from the LA Times I found a while ago discussing similar issues:,0,3568846.story?page=1
haha it's the black-bean you fools! China is famous for black-bean and also for Buddhism. Go figure.....good marketing Maggie
i highly doubt these are the reasons why people do this type of thing
"Why people tend to use these types of low quality materials to insult buddhism?
They don't have grounds to argue and prove buddhism is falsy religionwise.
They are fear of the future of their religions "
They probably just do it simpily because of style and image i guess.
I also think there are very unaware that they are insulting or mocking buddhism.
"For christian people, do you think its ok to put Jesus' image instead, replacing the Buddha image?"
I personally dont mind, but others might.
Stores always sell shirts all the time that say stuff like "Jesus is my homeboy" or "Mary is my homegirl"
But if it bothers you,You should just learn rise above stuff like that.
thats what i personally believe.
thanks for the blog post btw.
im doing a project on Buddhism.
every one should respect other peoples' views, religions and opinions.As a buddhist i dnt like to see Buddha being insulted like this.I dont even approve using any of the other religous leaders' photos like this. For me this is a very unethical act.
I think that we are responsible for whether we choose to be offended by anything. Most of the time it is a subconscious choice, and ignorance does not negate responsibility. I feel that maybe, when we choose to be offended it is really because we see some shadow of what we are offended by within ourselves.
Jesus means something completely different to Christians than what Buddha means to a Buddhist. I also think that beef has nothing to do with Buddhism. I think it might have more to do with Hinduism and India's culture, instead. I think Buddha, might, be more concerned with why you find these things so offensive.
I agree with Eric. The buddha's image has become a pop culture icon due to the fact of ignorance.
As buddhist it does hurt when the image is used for marketing purposes, when we would think twice of using images of other religious leaders.
But we can forgive them. And teach the world about buddhism in turn, and how to respect it.
Huh?? What do you mean?!
I think you make some good points and I agree if other religions were depicted in such a manner there would be street riots!
Buddhism is a soft target for commercialism because of its fundamental basis (tolerance, compassions etc). Buddhists don’t fight holy wars/jihad and as such don't aggressively peruse an agenda to inflict there will on others.
One positive is marketing like this only raises awareness of Buddhism opening it to new markets
Its called ignorance.Which means they are not realy aware.Pray for them that their ignorance will be removed.Pray that any angry comment given will fall like flowers on the recipient.May our intention in all we say and do be pure.
Ignorant people they dont know about Buddha Dharma or vision.Insulting is only wy to collect sins.
Im alright with the maggi thing but the bikini is taking it abit too far, its not a place where Buddha shud be! ppl tend to insult many religions including christianity. One important word is called RESPECT!!!
Religious symbols cant always be used as a decoration or fashion as there will be always be ppl out there holding a grudge against it because it is not applicable for its puporse.
thanks for sharing. oh yeh and there are a load of rude shits talking about Buddha like hes nothing, millions of ppl believe in Buddha so shut ur gobs twats.
Everybody deserves to be respected despite whatever religion they belong. As much as possible avoid using offending images so as not to insult others.
Actually I don't feel much about the 'beef and the buddha' thing, but as a Buddhist, I feel quite uncomfortable at the picture of the Buddha image on the bikini.
the beef package.. well u can see rice on the package so think rice is related to asia and asia to buddhism, bamboo, etc. thts wat u think of if u think of asia.
and the buddha statue in tht womens pu.. well he teached not to follow temptation so thts a pretty hard temptation rite here hugh?
well yea the jus wanted to get the asian look. the dont really see buddhism as a religon. jus like me. its a way to life. a tutorial, an instructual to live ur life.
well but ur rite if theyd put jesus head in tht .. every catholic would b pissd. every christian. etc
Try not to get too hung out by such things. To be offended by an image speaks more you, than of the image or how that image came into being. Relax more, and understand that we are all different, and full of our own self importance - which includes our views and opinions.
I am Buddhist, a convert and have experienced mocking and hostile behavior that seems to be acceptable. No one mocks the Muslims, Jews or Christians at work, but my faith seems to be open for everyone. No one asks what is Buddhism, they just use whatever they believe is insulting to attack me. I take it personal as I am the only Buddhist on the premise. They force me to participate in their religious celebrations and act as though it shouldn't matter what I do, after all I am a Buddhist and some kind of ignorant heathen.
This wouldn't probably be an issue if I had not been subjected to racism, gender bias, ageism previously and now this appears to be another button that can be pushed, one that should be very personal and cause me to react. There isn't anything left for anyone to do unless they physically assault me. This place no longer feels comfortable to be in, especially if my humanity is seen as a target for others to entertain themselves.
I don't see the issue. The food box seems to have something about world flavors on it, clearly putting the statue there is just their idea of worldly. Also, so they put the image of the Buddha on a bikini, so what? He was just a man, he achieved Nibbana, and is gone.
Ah yes these are old issues. It was quite a fad sometime back, to expose these "attacks on Buddhism" in Sri Lanka.
I think we as Buddhists, should be less concerned about what others do to degrade us and do crazy things to stop them. I think we should be more concerned about our own minds and our own practice. Most Sri Lankan Buddhists are just Buddhists for the sake of being born to a Buddhist family.
So I encourage my fellow Sri Lankan Buddhists to not look at these "koalang" (nonsense) in anger, but rather with Metta, and be mindful of your own practice. If you really want to protect Buddhism, you should live in accordance with it to the fullest you can.
After all, life is very uncertain. :)
you people sucks. u dont know what the buddhist mean and say whatever come to u. one day u all will learn a lesson what i say. u people just wait and see. i am not kidding. if not happen in this life it will happen in ur another life.
Aung, 'we suck?' is that Right Speech? is that Compassion? Perhaps you should try cultivating some of the Buddha's virtues yourself before you even consider judging others in the future.
"Thought cultivation means not attaching to thoughts of good or evil, but holding to the Middle Way. That is Dhyana samadhi. In cultivation, we should cultivate samadhi power." -
I keep telling people this: if you choose not to believe then do it respectfully and live a good life with good morals because you don't want to live a life without regard and respect for Buddha or Christ and then find out that they do exist after you died.
What's the issue? Its a bikini and a package. Just don't take offense.
well, to get rid of attachments is wot Buddha tried to make people understand..its among people's mentality whether to use god's accessory or it wrist band or a t-shirt or dat bikini. i have seen on news where lord Shiva's photo was being used in paper napkins.. who m i to comment..i don't like using such things so i don't. but we just can't shout on all and make them do the same..different people have different mentality.
i found this topic very interesting hence thought of commenting.. i know a guy who is from Vietnam.. he is a monk, age 32+, i don't have any personal grudge on's just that, i was totally amazed to see wot he as a monk was doing, i am a philosophy student, i have studied Buddhism, & i have g8 respect towards Buddhism.. i met him about 2 years ago.. he's name is HIEN PHI HIEAN,and is residing at vijay nagar, single storey D-33/B,3rd floor, Delhi,India. and according to him he belongs to a farmer family.. since he was a monk, my first reaction to him was a bow full of respect and honor. than he shared his journey and reason to become monk.. he said he was poor and needed money so he became a monk, being a monk many people send him donations and he remains in constant touch with his doners.. he has 2-3 bank accounts in delhi.. and monthly he gets some handsome amount to live his life happily. In delhi i have seen many lama's n monks with their religious gown.. but HIEN, the monk i know wears addidas t- shirts, shorts, branded jenas, cap and a sport shoe. its on some occasion for example visiting embassy , or some other work he wears his religious gown.
since here it is written how can we define the relationship b/w a beef and Buddhism.. than how come he is consuming beef?chicken is his favorite, every weekend he throw's a party at his plaz, he loves red wine..he loves Britney spears, and usually listen to songs very loud! he got many friends.. i remember once he and some of his friends were partying one night and every one were shouting like anything. what i have learned in Buddhism is to get rid of it, Buddha's four noble truth, the 8 fold path.. the suffering that buddha faced in order to make the world understand what his real motives were..than what is he doing? one more thing there was this sweet German lady who was actually Japanese but married to a German use to denote him money..i don't rem'ber the amount.
she once came to his place, he tells me and one more guy who himself was buddhist, not to tell that lady that he eats non veg. if we do than she will stop sending him money.. and we did as he said, we did not wanted him to get into any trouble, but why so much craving, he should be the one telling us not to do all this. why did he lie? one might think how come i know so much about him, than let me tell you, i was his flat mate.. me HIEN & the other person, were flat mates once, but facing so much trouble from HIEN, i left that place.
i don't have any offense against anyone nor m insulting Buddhism..the philosophy of Buddhism is very pure and beautiful.. m very fascinated by it. but amazed to see how a monk is doing such things. i am not saying that only he did such a thing, even in Indian religion many priests aim for money and not for actual happens, but amusement made me to add a comment on this topic. i have given his name and address as a proof of knowing him personally.
There isn't any issue with consuming beef or chicken in Buddhism though...
I'm not sure about Mahayana monks, but in Theravada, monks are permitted to eat meat, as long as it isn't specifically killed for them. However, I'm guessing he's from some Mahayana tradition, probably it's different?
That being said, he does't sound like a monk to me, just a charlatan.
iam as a muslim even i think ur correct 100%
omg get over it
how long did it take you to find these pics anyway
get a life dude
like the moslems and hindus!
there is much common ground.
as for tanta, not bothered to be insulted. lol buddhists!
I really agree with you.. not only this a game call FISH WORLD in face book. that game also using Buddha’s symbols as fish tank decorations.
we should provide our maximum effort to condemn these this as much as we can.
With discussion comes knowledge of Buddha and the wonderful teachings he has brought to many people and even myself. While these pictures may seem distasteful it is an opportunity to grow and acknowledge the need for us to teach others about what the image of Lord Buddha means to the Buddhist community no matter what school. I do find it very shocking the amount of Buddha heads I do encounter even in my hometown of Chicago and when I ask what they believe the image of Lord Buddha means they cannot tell me in entirety or sometimes anything at all but I do not fault them in entirety. We should not condemn but TEACH. I know myself I do not know everything there is to know in Lord Buddha's teachings but to share what each of us know with people unfamiliar to the teachings will bring us closer as a community who can respect and love each other and isn't that what Lord Buddha preached?
Thank you for your time =)
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I guess Buddhists would agree with Stoics on this:
"Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears." - Marcus Aurelius
I think the packaging is due to ignorance of people. It might not want to insult anyone.
You have been hit by an arrow. you're wounded so badly. Is there any point of wasting time thinking from where the arrow came , who shot it, why?
Is there any point in keep cursing the shooter OR the arrow?
What you would do is to try and get medicine for your wound as soon as possible and get recovered.Isn't it?
So do it my friend.
How stupid! If they did this to Muslim, some violence will happen.
I can see there are many opinions in this blog, as myself being the observer. In Buddhist-practicing countries, such pictures or products would not be acceptable because of tradition, respect and Buddhism is practiced in a manner of formality. Also, the pressure from other religions converting Buddhists.
However, in the west where Buddhism arrived very recent, Buddhism is regard as a practical and way-of-life teaching to go through the hectic living in this realm. Many converted Buddhists (especially) in the west, practice Buddhism to the core of the teaching and less ceremonial.
Therefore, both arguments are well and perfect, but each argument has to respect each other and should know what drives each of us to pick a side.
Here is where we should see it: "THE MIDDLE WAY".
May this dunk be the fertilizer for our growing tree.
Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu....
answering vishwajith... yes Jesus teaches those things! Who said a Christian made it? For all we know it could have been a Buddhist!!!!!
If I understand Buddhism correctly, every action has resulting consequences, also known as kamma, regardless if we like it or not.
In that sense, there is no need to try to stop the world from degrading or praising Buddhism. Furthermore, as I recalled from Buddha's Teaching, Buddha has also explicitly mentioned that there will always be somebody degrading Buddhism and somebody else praising Buddhism.
Buddha's advices, as best as I can recall from the Pali Canon, is NOT to pay attention to such statements and NOT to argue what is right or what is wrong. The reason, if I recalled correctly, is that such actions are not productive. Attention to insulting remarks will result in irritations and frustrations. Attention to praises will result in elitism and pride. Neither frustrations nor pride help one to advance in the Path.
In any case, sometime down the road, each individual will have to reap the fruits of his own karma, without the need for other people to do any interventions.
Instead, as I recall His teachings from the Pali Canon, the Buddha advised His disciples to make efforts to study the Dhamma, bear them in mind, practise as much as possible and hopefully, sometime down the road, be able to attain Enlightenment.
Note: Much as I tried to be accurate in recalling Buddha and His Dhamma, any misrepresentations are solely my own responsibilities.
hi everyone...
regads from me
Budha bless you
Jealous would you be. Most of Sri Lanka people are Buddhist and should be able to understand deeply what the Buddhist society is all about. There is no mean of harmful or insulting other people and other religion in any part of Buddha teaching. Living in harmony is the ways he taught. Just interesting that you with the Sri Lanka born and live do not understand what those mean. Or you are not Buddhist with a jealous mind.
very nice buddha feels very happy
Many of you are missing a great truth. While you condemn the use of Lord Buddhas image on a box and a bikini, you forget the beauty and perfection of that image. Would you view it differently if it were on a car, a shirt or up in lights on Las Vegas strip? Let go of the anger directed towards the creators of these articles, and practice tolerance. The Buddha was not added to these things with malicious intent, rather as art work, why damage this beautiful image with anger and hatred? wild guess is, if Buddha himself read this or seen these images he may just shrugged it off and continue meditating, whatever emotions it may bring - they are all irrevelant.
there is no chance that whatsoever may be the actions of any religion towards buddhism body can destroy the religion........and make the world more troublsome for themselves.....if anybody did it then...they will be destroyed like ........the taliban after the bamiyan buddhas......try to respect every religion .......and gain knowledge from every matter if any body tries to harm buddhism----they cannot do it because --THE LAWS OF THE BUDDHA ARE ETERNAL----AND MAITREYA BUDDHA WILL COME AND TEACH BUDDHISM ONCE AGAIN...........
Have any software tallent person, can this be delete from website.
Please do it.
Well, This is really a good way of reminding people that there is also a language called Buddhism in this world. Though I'm from australia, IKnow that its wrong for them to combined beef and Buddha, and put him in Bikini. But, Next time, please, Dont think of it much. Yes, I know how much you'll Fell. For me the best language in the world is Buddhism, and I study lot about it. So, hasent buddha asked youall not to relay, and mimik on the same thing?
As a devout Buddhist I would not be offended or angry with this insult. I have faith that Buddhism will not be tarnished by this insult. Buddhism is still perfect. I'm just sorry for the people who do things like this, insulting something that he did not know ............. !. People who act like this with herself even she did not know. only things that garbage is what they know ....!!!
I can certainly appreciate what you think about the imagery here (the bikini and the Beef bag packaging). There's a lot that's already been said about this so I may repeat some of it (I really don't want to read all of the comments).
The first thing is, while Buddha taught non-attachment he taught it more literally as "equanimity". That is, the ability to see and live all things in a neutral, non-judgmental state. I struggle with this every day and I have to ask if this is something you need to ask yourself: Are you struggling with equanimity?
The second thing is, you do have a point about whether or not a Christian would even imagine putting an image of Jesus on the crotch of a bikini. The answer is most likely not. However, in this day and age of mankind where we are OVER exposed to religion, philosophy culture (and so on and on and on...) through the internet, you have to expect that there is going to be less inhibitions regarding many things. After all, a hundred years ago, it was UNTHINKABLE for a lady to have her shoulders bare (but here you didn't make a single comment about a woman in a bikini at all...only that she had an image of Buddha on it).
Religions all over the world are trashed and treated with irreverence. Why should Buddhism be any different? Christians are often considered brainwashed or crackpots (or both). Muslims are often called towel-heads and the sexual mates of goats. Many other religions are just called cults.
And, if you look closely enough you will find similar "sacrilegious" imagery everywhere about all kinds of beliefs.
In my practice, I have learned that there isn't much point in arguing and complaining about such things. It only leads to more unhappiness. And the Dalai Lama states that our goal in life is to be happy. If we are not happy, this is typically due to attachment or a lack of equanimity.
I wish you well and hope you live life well, Amila. May you find the peace you need.
One last thing to supplement what I just commented with is this: You stated that the Buddha was attacked historically by many different people in different ways (accused as a murderer, etc). But, you didn't mention how the Buddha managed to survive past those accusations and attacks. He didn't become angry and retaliatory or launch a campaign against them. He simply lived his life in the same way he had ever since he discovered freedom from samsara under the bodhi tree....he lived in peace and responded in kind.
1. Nobody should insult another religion.
2. Other religions have a right to complain.
3. They have no right to violence.
4. We can balance freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom from violence.
Post a Comment On: MarGeeMar"Pro-UMNO MCA Is Anti Buddhist!"
by Anak Mami
Ven. Phra Piya Thammo,
Rumah Pangsa
Blk A-7-9- Jln Padang Tembak,
11400 Pulau Pinang,Malaysia
Dear Devotees,
Before I commence of my letter-writing toward. All of you, I would like to inform all of you that I am not satisfy with the lawyer, Dato YIP KUM FOOK due to his bad inspirit impressions because he sent an inspector to come to our Buddhist Temple Taman Desa Jaya Kepong KL to arrest me without any good reason, moreover, the lawyer, YIP KUM FOOK is not satisfy with Chief monk.
When the Chief monk had me to go to his Temple already and he went away and left me alone to take care until Chief monk come back to the Temple first and he also told me not to leave the Temple if any committees or the chairman want to chase me out, you don’t leave the Temple at all understand? Then I said, alright? To the chief monk! On the second Day, YIP KUM FOOK came to our Temple and talk to me. He tried to make some inquiry from me and he asked me, where I come from? I told him that I came from Penang.
Then, I told to the lawyer (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Man and chairman of Buddhist Temple, Desa Jaya Kepong KL) that the chief monk came to Penang and fetch me and invited me to accompany him to go to his temple in K.L. I am not aware that YIP KUM FOOK is not in a good terms with the chief monk, chief monk already in this way, YIP KUM FOOK try to create trouble with me unnecessary. That is why, the lawyer want to chase me out of the Temple. Then I asked the lawyer, why you want to chase me out of the temple? Moreover, the Temple is not belonging to you, UNDERSATAND? Then, I asked him, who are you? I don’t know you at all, you have no right to chase me or control me at all, UNDERSTAND? You are just like a layman only. Do you know the regulations that any the chairman or committee cannot control the monks and the Nuns at all, also UNDERSTAND?
I scolded him like that. Then the lawyer (YIP KUM FOOK, Chairman of MCA Gombak) is not satisfy with me and he told me that he will called the police to come to the Temple and arrest me. I told him to go ahead and called the police to come and arrest me. I won’t run away, I said to him like that. I have done nothing wrong toward you, why you want to arrest me? He said, he doesn’t like me to stay here. I asked him, why? Again. After this he got very angry with me, then he phoned up to the police and the police came to the Temple and told me to leave the Temple.
I told to the inspector of the again, 1 am sorry, I won’t leave the Temple because the chief monk had instructed me not to leave the Temple without his consent, UNDERSTAND? Then the inspector told me to leave, again. I told him I cannot leave the Temple because the Chief Monk hasn’t come back yet. This time, the inspector got very angry with me and he took out his handcuff and try to threaten me, then I immediately show off my hands for him to lock me up but he scare, then again, the inspector told me leave the Temple again but I still don’t want to leave the Temple.
Then I phoned up to the chief monk again and I told him that the inspector insisted want to arrest me, you better come back to settle the case for me. After this incident, Chief Monk came back to the Temple and take me to go to another temple and stay there. That’s all about this incidents! Last of all, I would like to inform all of you, that no committees or the chairman can control all the monks and Nuns at all also UNDERSTAND? “They are higher than the King,” also! So how can the laymen, the committees and the chairman to control them: – EVEN THE KING ALSO RESPECTED THE MONKS AND NUNS. Why the chairman doesn’t respect the monks and nuns? They will carry the sins later on, UNDERSTAND?
Yours in Dhamma
Ven. Phra Piya Thammo
Penang, Malaysia
Tel: 04-8272710
mca man Datuk Yip kum fook anti Buddhist monk at SAMNAK SAMBODHI, TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA..
在此, 我要誠恳所以書面將实事发生在马耒西亜吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也 (暹寺) 三宝寺. SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION NO: 19 JALAN 38 DASA JAYA KEPONG 52100 SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 的遭遇公告大家, 我很不满意, 马华公会鹅唛區会及三宝寺理事主席那督叶金福律师, 是因為他应用悪毒傲慢的手段帶領一般外人耒挑衅践踏浄土及电招警方人员到甲洞三宝寺的神聖之地亳无理由的要警方人员强硬扣留出家人耒逹到耻辱佛教信仰者
我耒至梹城, 初出道, 暫住甲洞三宝寺俢行, 只因看不过眼叶金福律师的為人, 无礼傲慢不可一视的态度对待壇主, 稍为講他几句而己他却採用如此下流的手段伤害出家人, 的确令人不敢恭维.
一校之長, 其学生如有犯错, 警方人员都必須先见校長去了觧实况, 才可行动, 這是一般常规.但遺憾的是. 他叶金福身为律师却反其道而行, 不依佛理而轻视佛教的精神一味要显示他是马华公会鹅唛區会及甲洞三宝寺理事会的主席, 强求要警方人員扣捕我和尚, 耒逹到其目標, 但还好,基於宗教敏感,連巫裔警方人員也懂得和尊重別人的文化習俗,不敢軽举妄动, 否則后果不敢設想.
我明白, 他马华公会區会主席那督叶金福律师大动肝火, 生氣一位担任該 (暹寺) 甲洞三宝寺將近20年的壇主, 也是自筹建三宝寺最大的功臣, 其因是师父惊觉到一个新耒的叶金福律师满囗仁義道德, 說一套做一套, 排除異己, 而理事会成员多數为其親戚家族当任, 再加上处理 (暹寺) 三宝寺钱財不透明, 除此之处, 他的行动想把佛教的浄土变为政治活動埸所, 公家修道之地, 当作私人財產。
师父看在眼裡, 以大局为重, 而善意的给予劝告, 却引起他马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师, 闷闷不乐, 坐立不安, 无法无天的反而处处为难, 并不友善的加以迫害壇主离开 (暹寺) 三宝寺
他马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师, 這种司马昭之心, 伪君子作风, 人人都知--------。你能花言巧語, 蒙蔽誤导群衆一時, 但不能欺骗一世. 佛教的因果肯定報应。
最后我也顺此祝願他醒觉, 諸悪莫作, 衆善奉行。
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Dear Sir and Madam,
We are Myanmar group in Malaysia; we lived in Malaysia over decade and always went to one of temple(SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION) No:- 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and we were very sad and regretting with the committees of temple because they are using our monks in wrong conception of Buddhist teaching or Buddhist rules. We came to temple to help our monks and respected of our religion.
That temple is president of name:Yip Kum Fook(MCA Gombak Chairman) , that our monks said and he is invited our monks from Myanmar to in charge of that temple but without pay anything to our monks, added he and his not respecting of our monks and sometime he ordered of his people to collected item such as paper, mineral water etc. without inform any words to our monks. In our religious believed we can’t take anything of holy place, if we done we are sin.
In pervious, our monk said the committees always asked money from him, when our monks gave RM20,000.00 in cash on 2001 to the committees, then committees keep silent, later committees make problem with our monk again and cancelled of our monk Visa permit to stayed in Malaysia, then our monks( Sadayaw Nandiya) go to Australia and our monk not come that temple at long time. Datuk Yip Kum Fook(MCA Gombak Chairman) gave our monk notebook computer for to cover of that amount of money our monk said.
Many local people around temple said, now no more people come to this temple because committees is always make problem and we are heard from local people said: Yip Kum Fook(MCA Gombak Chairman) ordered of his people to put fire of Hindu Temple at Taman Daya, Kepong because he needed that place to make his business about many years ago. Everybody had known what he done for Hindu temple at Taman Daya, Kepong. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Last time also he invited police to arrest the monks at holy place(temple) and locked the temple without afraid and shameful of people because he believed committee is big and has more authority, also his son always say to people: this temple is belonging of his father. This temple donated from public, we are work hard for this Temple
This temple the committees always changed the monks, now they change the new monk to in charge of temple, this new monk also complaint the bad things of committees because committees also wait for donation box only, they without help anything to our monks. And committees controlled of our monks not to talk more or complaint more, our monks lived there as slaver and afraid of committees members.
In new building where remaining of Buddha statue marble; we have renovation of Buddha statue because that Buddha statue is put very low, we lift to highest the committees don’t like and unhappy. In our country, anyone be able to come temple to worship the Buddha but in Malaysia is different temple controlling by committees.
We hope everyone preserve of Buddhist teachings, and please safety of our monks, not see only money as this of temple. When we asked some of our people (Myanmar) and local people, the committees are very low of idea because is very narrow mind and without education of religions. And committees will not disturbing of our monks, monks are like our father to take care of Buddhism and temple is like our place of resolving of our problem.
Recently, our monk (Sadayaw Ashin Indaka original from Mandalay, Myanmar) has been staying in this temple also unhappy because the committees are not pay anything to him, he is working in hardly to advise people and we also unhappy and very sad when heard the bad news from our monks. Sometime the committees people came and shouting in the temple without have any reason and done what they need to do, our monk said, the committees of this temple don’t have Buddhist teachings in their mind, may be next time Buddhist can destroy.
From Myanmar Buddhist group in Malaysia..
Ven. Dr. Ashin Indaka (Myanmar Buddhist Monk) or who is cheated devotee money about who want to become a monk; it is needed to pay RM400 per person. Each year more than 100 people become monks on Chinese New Year (Rm400 X 100people=Rm40, 000.00), then he spends 5 years in Malaysia (Rm40000.00 x 6 years=Rm240000.00) and total another income (donation) about Million MR (Malaysia Ringgit). This is news by MEMBERS OF SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE (No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Ven. Dr Ashin Indaka (Sami Buddha dari Myanmar) atau yang adalah hamba ditipu tentang wang yang mahu menjadi sami, ia diperlukan untuk membayar RM400 setiap orang. Setiap tahun lebih daripada 100 orang menjadi sami di Tahun Baru Cina (RM400 X 100people = RM40, 000.00), maka beliau menghabiskan 5 tahun di Malaysia (Rm40000.00 x 6 tahun = Rm240000.00) dan jumlah pendapatan lain (derma) tentang Juta MR (Ringgit Malaysia). Ini adalah berita oleh AHLI SAMNAK SAMBODHI TOKONG BUDDHA (No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
I find no reason why certain (groups of) people are trying to insult a noble religion like Buddhism, either in a direct or indirect manner.
We would like inform to all committees of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There are so many Myanmar condemnations about when anyone wants to become the monks, who chief monk requests them to pay about RM400.00 per head.
This is one of crushing shame and exploitation because may be that cost high for Myanmar, also this is one kind of business system in Buddhist, all of us must think in correctly, Buddha went to became a monk with free of charge and he practiced to attain Enlightenment without any cent of dollar to spend, sometimes needed to referred from the Buddha times.
Buddhist Temple in Malaysia 100% supported by public. The committees of Temple, they worked as voluntary and take care of Temple with organized but in Temple not allowed to played politic because in Temple must be clean and welcome all everyone.
Recently, do bad and good must careful because everything’s huge complaint in Internet, about Buddhist teaching a lot of at Internet, sometimes we can’t tell lie to the others one.
We must help Myanmar people as they came to Malaysia to work, earn money and save money for their family at home.
We are Malaysia Buddhist must help Myanmar Buddhist, not to cheated them because they came to our country to work, we must show our good quality and our good Buddhist. Not like some committees members cheated money Myanmar monks; this is very bad Malaysia Buddhist.
Hope YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) realizes himself, now many people know in what he done for Buddhist, Buddhist Kamma will attack to everyone, if they do bad or good.
Ah Lee
Bukit Desa, Kepong…..
佛教之地,都是要善伩修守戒律, 但令人痛心的是 Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Association No: 19 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya 52100 Kepong Selangor, Malaysia.三宝寺却不以身作則。他们允许缅甸外劳庆祝佳日,隨心所意,在当地杀鱼.鸡. 猪.羊及飲洒作乐,醉身萝死耒污垢佛教神聖之地.至今 已引起居民的反感.
針对以上的题,身为佛教伩徒,也是前任理事会成员,我 依佛礼的教海,据理力争。但孤学难呜,却被一手遮天,以商叶利益为重的马华公会,鹅嘜区会主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook), 把我排除在外,其用意, 一目了然,想完全控(Yip Kum Fook)制甲洞帝沙再也,三宝寺耒达到私利賺钱.现在, 他应用外耒和尚主持三宝寺,其目的,也更清楚,因为外耒者不知内幕,不能久留,无杈过向.
回顾10年前之事,由本地吉兰丹和尚仼壇主兼顾问之時, 此种现象,是不曾发生的,为何到了叶金福(Yip Kum Fook)的領导乏下,却帶耒如此違反佛教的文化?难怪,前仼壇主 也一声不言就远离了,必有其苦衷。
为了佛教的遵严,我不忍看它沦落为醉身耒萝死之地, 让人耻笑,在此, 我只好通过现代的管道,泣声敬请,佛 教伩仰者及马耒西亜佛总能加以关注, 并给予该理事会劝导,尽速觧决此事,以免这种污点影响整体的佛教良好形象。
Semua Ahli-ahli MCA Malaysia yang dihormati,
Segelintir pemimpin MCA seperti YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer, MCA Gombak) dan Yip Jiun Hann(pemuda MCA Gombak) perangainya sendiri pun tidak bermoral dan nama pun sangat busuk di Selangor. Khas nya di Kepong, Selayang, Rawang dan lain tempat, seperti makan wang SAMNAK SAMBODHI, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, merosakkan keluarga orang lain……..perangai sebegitu jahat.
Mereka cuba suruh kita menyokong Donald lim Siang Chai, sekira kumpulan ini bermenang dalam parti MCA, saya yakin parti MCA akan tenggelam selama-lama di Malaysia
Jangan kena jerat, sokong lah Saudara Dr Wee Ka Siong
To all Malaysians respected,
respectfully here, we wish to inform that YIP KUM FOOK (YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES) and YIP JIUN HANN job as a lawyer who runs at: NO. 2A & 2B, 2ND FLOOR ROAD 53, DESA JAYA, KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR
We are all Malaysians to take notice and far from people mentioned above because do not hit plot
They are very nasty and black hearts (cruel), able to cheat women money, destroy families and himself consuming of Temple money, SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, NO: 19 JALAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR, and pretend to report police lost receipts ......... please note
Thank you,
Dear people who are benevolent in the Dharma
I would like to use this language to spread the bitter experience that actually happened in the Buddhist Association of Buddhists, Nos. 19-21 JLAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR. Malaysia
I resent the president of the MCA Gombak Division (Yip Kum Fook) and the President of the Buddhist Association (Yip Kum Fook) because they used a vile and arrogant method to lead a group of people from other places. to provoke and trample on the sacred Without a reasonable reason to call the police to detain a monk until he is humiliated by Buddhists.
I hereby ask, what serious sin did Lawyer Yip Kum Fook commit to the extent that Mr. Yip Kum Fook, by means of lawyers or by criminals, called the police to imprison a monk like him?
i am from Penang I'm a took a temporary break at the Buddhist Association for Fellowships to study and learn Dharma practice while at the temple I couldn't stand the behaviour of lawyer Yip Kum Fook. Your impolite, arrogant, and impeccable attitude towards the abbot of the temple.
Because I spoke a few words about your behaviour with you. So you use dirty methods. This is to injure the monks. It is unacceptable and a very bad example.
for the principal If his and her students have committed an offense The police had to meet with the principal. try to understand the real situation before the police take any action. This is normal practice.
Unfortunately, Yip Kum Fook's lawyer who himself is a lawyer chose to do so.
Otherwise, he did not follow the teachings of Buddhism and disrespect the spirit of Buddhism just to show that he was the powerful President of the Gombak Volunteer Division and the President of the Buddhist Association. He called on the police to detain the monk to know his motives.
It is very fortunate that the fact that religion is a sensitive matter. Even the Malay police understand and respect the religion, culture and customs of other communities so they are in no hurry to take action. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.
I can understand why Yip Kum Fook's lawyers are outraged and burst into flames. The main reasons are as follows. Abbot of the Buddhist Association of Buddha. He was an abbot for 20 years. He was an architect and played an important role in raising funds for people to build temples.
The abbot panicked to find that a new man like him, Yip Kum Fook, a lawyer; The chairman of MCA Gombak was not involved in the talks. His speech was beautifully decorated with humanity, virtue and morality.
but in practice He tends to equalize the marginalized and drive away those who make eye contact with him. The temple board instead of most of his relatives. Moreover, the temple funds were not managed transparently. Ultimately, his real motive was to turn the sacred and pristine grounds into the political headstone and political base. and from places of worship as private property
The abbot was well aware of what had happened. but in order to maintain the health of all temples He gave the good intentions advice of lawyer Yip Kum Fook. But the advice was not well received. This made the lawyer Yib Khum Fook unhappy. restless and run away like crazy instead of listening to advice Instead, he used every opportunity to create problems and persecute the abbot and monks in order not to stay and leave the temple any longer.
Lawyer Yip Kum Fook and chairman of MCA Gombak, with a clear villain design and a sly style known to everyone... Your sweet words can deceive and deceive some people at times. But you can't do it all the time. The destiny of Buddhism will surely occur.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to bless you. Ask the lawyer Yip Kum Fook to wake up to the truth. Repent before it's too late, do good, refrain from evil.
your Dhamma
Ven. Phra Piyathammo
Penang, Malaysia
Great post
YIP KUM FOOK is a rebellious person and Rebellious is an adjective that describes someone who opposes or breaks the Buddhist monastic rules. ... Such an act may be characterized as rebellion, but rebellion is more commonly used to describe a person or action that violates Buddhist rules, instead of challenging the status of Buddhist teachings
YIP KUM FOOK brings the Buddhist monk out of the Temple, calls the Malay police to harass the monk in the Temple because he thinks the temple belongs to him… This YIP KUM FOOK will be the enemy of the Buddha forever in this life and the next life
Last time we were committee members at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE and the founding group but when YIP KUM FOOK became the temple president, he removed us from the members without informing us anything
YIP KUM FOOK ialah seorang yang derhaka dan Rebellious ialah kata sifat yang menggambarkan seseorang yang menentang atau melanggar peraturan monastik Buddha. ... Perbuatan sedemikian mungkin disifatkan sebagai pemberontakan, tetapi pemberontakan lebih biasa digunakan untuk menggambarkan seseorang atau tindakan yang melanggar peraturan Buddha, bukannya mencabar status ajaran Buddha.
YIP KUM FOOK membawa sami Buddha keluar dari Kuil, memanggil polis Melayu untuk mengganggu sami di Kuil kerana dia menganggap kuil itu miliknya… YIP KUM FOOK ini akan menjadi musuh Buddha selama-lamanya dalam kehidupan ini dan seterusnya kehidupan
Kali terakhir kami menjadi ahli jawatankuasa di SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE dan kumpulan pengasas tetapi apabila YIP KUM FOOK menjadi presiden kuil, dia mengeluarkan kami daripada ahli tanpa memberitahu kami apa-apa.
By khor hong hw and friends
In Malaysia, cheating and bad people can also be the president of Buddhist Temples, in my country, if there is evil in the society, they cannot be members in the community, they will ban that person
We know about YIP KUM FOOK (PRESIDENT OF SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, KEPONG) very well and he is very bad in Malaysia, also we will tell our people to find out what he did badly
He did evil to our monks and insulted our Buddhist monks, he will accept that bad karma as soon as possible, we are sure he will suffer and his family will also have no place to live following the teachings of Buddhism
We heard, YIP KUM FOOK didn’t study law but bought a law certificate only because he didn’t know any law…
Ah hae, Myanmar
最近, 在网络上看了PHRA PIYATHAMMO和尚和马华公会鸱唛区主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师的双方信件, 使我的内心久久不能平伏, 良心受到很大的譴責, 不吐訢不痛快, 所以我要誠恳的説:他叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)侓师叫外来的流流氓到三宝寺(暹廟)挑衅和尚打架及电招警方人员扣捕沙彌, 其嘲笑手法, 不外是要显示其权力, 而鞏固其职位, 以达到权力就是一切, 好让住持难堪, 自动離开, 方便行事……这种举动, 已间接的表逹其含意, 住持和尚兼顾问, 都无能为力,你们这些信徒能做什么?即使告马耒西亜佛教总会又能为难什么?这种心态, 的硧令人反感, 不是一个正信佛教者应有的行为。
至今, 三宝寺的理事成员多数是其親戚, 这是实事, 加入会员需交RM100元费用,同时,必须经过叶金福(Yip Kum Fook)律师的同意,否则免談, 所以会员也不多。
马华公会鹅唛区主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师,自控制三宝寺之後,把三宝寺(暹廟)当着私人產業,聘用和尚賺钱,利用佛教的道地为政治活动埸所,而处理三宝寺的钱财也不透明?这点,值得信众追问。马来西亚地擴人多,和尚也不缺乏,为什么不用本地和尚当任住持化缘,却偏偏劳心劳神,浪费签证费,交通费? 还要烦劳梹城佛总的推荐信, 向文化不同, 而語言又不通之千哩外囯缅旬和尚求助? 为什么….为什么? 只要我们用头脑想一想,便一日了然, 不必晝虎添足。
叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak )律师说:欢迎任何人如有意见,可以电话03:62762369/0122039700 Email: YIPKUMFOOK@HOTMAIL.COM 戓到其马华公会鹅唛区会甲洞三宝寺及以下地圵:NO.2,B JALAN 53 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 SELANGOR, MALAYSIA.討論, 我要老实的提醒大家, 最好不要一个去見他, 因为这个人狡滑, 笑裡藏刀, 很阴险, 出家人都不放在眼裡, 連TAMAN DAYA 52100 KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR. 众人的印度廟也敢放火燒, 利用权势把场地佔为己有, 由此可见, 他是何等的心毒? 还有现在三宝寺内, 各处都按裝计孔监视来人一举一动。
目前, 三宝寺很多信徒及当地居民, 已经对叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak )律师不满, 但也不能做什么。他计划把三宝寺主席的职位轉给其子YIP JIUN HANN律师, 续承皇朝. 想近一部了觧詳情, 可上网得知。
再说, 根据前理事在网络上给叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师的批評, 説他懂得包裝自己的道德守则, 以宗教为幌子手, 到处募款, 啇業经营, 政治活动为重, 并没依循佛教守則行事, 也没对人道作出貢献, 只不过借三宝寺宗教之名捞取权和私利而己, 其言也不为过, 是实事。
在此, 我恳切希望, 廣大的佛教信仰者, 给予关注, 并共創義举, 弘扬佛教. 谢谢。
Mr Lim Sok Chia敬啟
Ms Yap
forwarded by Mr Lee
Dear brother and sister,
I am Myanmar who working in Malaysia more than 10 years and I would like to explain about SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. Therefore, recently I stayed at SASANARAKKHA BUDDHIST SANCTUARY (SBS), Taiping, Perak. I am very close with Ven. U Nandiya Maha Thero.
My monk Ven. U Nandiya is very good heart and compassion to everyone in the world, also I heard when he stayed at Kuala Lumpur Buddhist Temple, he lends donation money to President of Temple (DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Gombak) with amount RM20,000.00 only and he said that money belong to Myanmar society in Malaysia.
On the other hand, my monk said, also many things happened when he stayed there because committees always disturbing, I am very sadly about that matter, why committees are very poor and crooks. Others Temple, people come to Temple to respected Buddha and Monks, also give red packet to monks. Why this Temple, monks must give money to committees, this is opposite.
If anyone receive or read this message, please inform to DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (president of Temple) to return that amount to my monk as soon as possible.
My monk contact place:
Ven. U Nandiya
49 Bombay Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141.
Tel: (02) 9649-8124
With kindness
Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
Anyone visiting this Buddhist Temple must be careful with the committee members as they can suck your money and the president of the Temple is also more sucking monks’ money already, add and call the police to arrest Buddhist monks…. And please share this message with your friends and everyone you know
We have been informed and told everyone to everyone. YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer, president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE) was embarrassed by Buddhism, as a shame of the Buddhist world
In addition, do dirty with monks. He thinks this temple is his, when we read the articles on the internet, our mind is sadder because of many posts and comments on the internet.
But he still doesn't know anything. Maybe he is close to the six senses feelings. This is very low knowledge. Some old man groups at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong are also very embarrassing when they speak about SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE
On the contrary, if this Yip Kum Fook has learned the law, he needs to understand some laws, other lawyers do not make problems and deceive people, only this Yip Kum Fook in the world…..
In Buddhist also same, if he understands Buddhist knowledge, why does he need to do badly, insult Buddhist monks (rejected monks out from Temple), we know about SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE because we are groups opened this Temple at Taman Ehsan on 1987
We don't say much because of his karma (YIP)
By Mr Lim, Desa Jaya, Kepong
I read that article, it was very interesting. And while it was saddening, it reminded me of the reality of impermanence.
If anyone receives or reads a message on the internet, please inform YIP KUM FOOK who is the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, and ask him to resign all positions at the Temple as soon as possible
We Buddhists are too embarrassing and this YIP KUM FOOK is doing too many dirty things for our Buddhists, now the whole world knows what the problem is SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE but this YIP KUM FOOK still doesn’t feel anything
This YIP KUM FOOK but still don't know anything and still holds the position of president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, why! He doesn’t embarrass people, maybe he’s out of brain balance
YIP KUM FOOK is a lawyer, MCA Gombak, Datuk, President of Buddhist Temple etc. ... why did he do bad things and he is not loved and protect his family, in the future his family will suffer forever because they will face gossip people
By Buddhist Maha Vihara
(Buddhist Dhamma groups)
123, Jalan Berhala, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
An excellently written post. I enjoy reading and learning about ancient Buddha and Buddhism. Your article taught me a lot of insights. thanks
Anonymous said...
About YIP KUM FOOK, it is better to you are escape from the Kepong area because you were my good friend in the previous days until today
YIP KUM FOOK better leave Kuala Lumpur area because someone to report to police and Sentul Police Station and Breakfield Police Station want you
We know you make more mistakes but you can't run away from the country's laws, on last time you can solve problems with pay money to shut people-mouth up, but now it's different, now is the age of technology like the internet
I hope, you will understand me what I said in the verses above, I love you in my heart like my brother and I will protect you from what people gossip about you..ok
Lee, Selayang
everything about YIP KUM FOOK who is a lawyer in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, that we want to send a letter to the Sultan of Selangor about giving the title of Datuk to the wrong person like YIP KUM FOOK, because this person is very evil in Kepong, he disturbs the monks and deceives the Myanmar monk’s money and etc.
we NGO need to remove this guy from the community because this guy is in the community so bad name if anyone doesn't trust us and anyone can ask someone in Kepong, they will answer for you
who is close friends with him, soon a problem arises because this man eats friends and cheating friends, YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) thinks only about money, that he had a lot of money but his character could not change what had been done badly in the past
sharing by ah foo, Klang
The last time YIP KUM FOOK set fire to a Hindu temple in Taman Daya, Hindus kept quiet after he and his group and two policemen came to harass a Buddhist monk at the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, now the news is getting slower people are listening, and many people are not satisfied with what he did before
In Buddhist rule, anyone who disturbs and makes sangha broken, that people will fall into hell when they alive as like Devadatta, who tried to kill Buddha but was unsuccessful, YIP KUM FOOK this should care, now karma will be active anytime.
Everyone has to be careful and live from him because YIP KUM FOOK is a very dirty mind and he is a lawyer but doesn't know whether he is or not, he is a lawyer because he is in the furniture business, so(how) he can study law, the laws have to study for 6 years.
Sharing by :
Wat Thai Mon - Kulim Cai Bo Hin Kulim Temple
YIP KUM FOOK main politik di Kuil Buddha (SAMNAK SAMBODHI), dia tolak AJK yang siapa lawan dengan dia, AJK dari pengasas YIP KUM FOOK pun tolak, YIP KUM FOOK ni hati sangat fikirannya kotor dan jahat manusia.
YIP KUM FOOK sangat bodoh dan kurang pendidikan, kalau dia pandai, dia tak akan kacau dan menolak Ven. Phra Piya Dhammo keluar dari Kuil Buddha(SAMNAK SAMBODHI), jika dia cukup pandai, dia perlu menyemak dulu Ven. Phra Piya Dhammo ialah siapa dan dari mana?
Anda seorang peguam dan DATUK tak boleh berfikir dalam perkara biasa, ini amat memalukan kepada Sultan Selangor yang memberi gelar Datuk kepada anda, jika Sultan Selangor tahu perkara ini, Sultan Selangor mengambil kembali gelaran itu.
Seperti undang-undang bersekutu Malaysia mengetahui tentang anda menipu orang, mereka akan menutup pejabat peguam anda (YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES, Kuala Lumpur No. 2A & B, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya, Kepong, 52100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur), jika anda benar-benar belajar undang-undang, mungkin anda tidak melakukan (tak berani) membuat kejahatan seperti itu
Anonymous Anonymous said...
We are the former committee members of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. That we would like to inform about something like the history of the Temple to all Buddhists to know in Malaysia and other countries in the world
This SAMNAK SAMBODHI was started in 1989, at Taman Ehsan by Sangha from Kelantan, there was a rental house for our Temple and our Master’s payment for the Temple, how difficult it was at that time but our Master was very patient in what matter for the Temple.
We moved to No: 25 Jalan 5 Taman Desa Jaya, near Taman Daya in 1992 but the Temple here is no longer, then in 1993 again moved to the place now, we are knowing well about the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE
Last time, SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE was very famous for various activities such as Dhamma Sunday School, free form five tuition on BM, Wesak Day celebration, Kathina celebration, Loy Krathong festival, blood donation, Chinese New Year Oil Lamp and others.
This time is very different in the past and the committee hires foreign monks to take care of Temple only and sometimes the president of the Temple (YIP KUM FOOK) invites some Tibetan monks and Thai monks to wipe out their misfortune only, the Temple became a private place of the family
How to embarrass the devotees, the committee must rethink the matter because of the Temple donation fund by the devotees
Sharing by Lum Tuck choy, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
July 13, 2022 at 12:47 PM
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